How to Use Cooking Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram has become a popular place for foodies to share their culinary creations and experiments. As a chef, you can use this platform to get your name out there and attract new customers while having fun at the same time. By implementing our recommended content creation and marketing tips below, you will start to see an increase in Instagram followers to your account on a daily basis.

One of the great things about Instagram is that it’s easy to search through trending hashtags related to cooking, so you can easily find users who are interested in what you have to offer. Simply including keywords in your posts will help people find your content – but if you want to increase your visibility even more, try using hashtags that are specific to your niche.

Using Cooking Hashtags to Get Likes on Instagram

Using cooking hashtags is a good idea if you’re looking to promote your food photography on Instagram. Food photography has a broad appeal, and hashtags can attract people who are interested in a particular cuisine. These hashtags can increase the number of views on your photos, as well as their engagement. More engagement means more people will see your photos, and this leads to a positive snowball effect.

When selecting a hashtag, make sure it’s relevant to your content. Also, make sure that it has enough interest. Popular hashtags are ones with a large amount of use, such as #foodphotography. A lesser-known hashtag, like #vegandesserts, will be less likely to be used, meaning more of your post will be discovered.

What Type of Cooking Content Works Best on IG

If you want to expand your reach, you should use hashtags related to food. Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags per post, so make sure to use ones that will reach a large number of people. If you’re not sure which ones to use, browse similar accounts to get some ideas. Also, if you have a business account or a physical location, use hashtags related to your area.

Using food hashtags on Instagram is great for both chefs and consumers looking for recipes. The first impression is often the last impression, so it’s important to make your photos creative and eye-catching. Food photos with a bright color are more likely to grab users’ attention than dull photos.

How to Attract More Followers that Like Cooking

In addition to using cooking hashtags, you can also make sure to include your blog link in your Instagram captions. New followers will often check out your Instagram page to see if you have a blog. Having a blog link in your caption is a great way to increase the number of followers you have.

While Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post, you’ll want to use food-related hashtags that are popular with food lovers. For maximum exposure, you should select food-related hashtags with at least 10,000 posts. Avoid obscure hashtags that are only used by a handful of users. Spread your content as wide as possible to attract as many new followers as possible.

Cooking Content Marketing Tips for Instagram

One of the most popular types of content on Instagram is video, particularly when you’re cooking or sharing a recipe. Videos capture more attention than images and are more interactive for a hungry audience. If you’re hesitant to use a video, try making a slider version of your content first to gauge interest. If you see that people are requesting more content, consider making a video.