Before Getting an Implant-Supported Denture: Read This

Dentures are prosthetic appliances constructed to replace missing teeth, supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. There are different types of dentures that can be removable or fixed. 

Northeast Philadelphia dentist and team offer implant-supported dentures that are gaining momentum due to their stability. These are safe and effective choices to help improve your smile and keep your mouth healthy. 

Understanding implant-supported dentures

An implant-supported denture is an oral device that helps replace one or several teeth together. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures attach directly to your jawbone using dental implants.

Dental implants are small threaded posts that replace missing teeth roots. Implant-supported dentures offer excellent stability for chewing, eating, and speaking. 

Advantages of implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures offer a number of benefits that are mentioned below.

  • Help prevent bone loss in your jaw since these implants mimic your natural roots and stimulate the nerves in your jaws
  • They look like natural teeth
  • Do not slip like traditional dentures
  • Eliminate the need for messy denture adhesives
  • Last longer than traditional dentures
  • They help restore oral health, function, and appearance 

A note on snap-on dentures 

Snap-on dentures are special appliances that offer the stability of implant-supported dentures while also being removable. These require less number of implant posts, which dramatically shorten the healing time after surgery. 

The aftercare for snap-on dentures is simple and easy since you need to just remove them, gently brush them, and place them in a cleaning solution at the end of the day. 

The procedure behind implant-supported denture

Implant-supported dentures are fabricated according to your individual needs. 

  • Your dentist will first evaluate your oral cavity and conduct an in-depth examination of your teeth, jaws, and gums. 
  • 3-D images of your dental structures will be captured to create a customized treatment plan that fits your specific desires.
  • Once your dentist will receive the image findings, a determined course of action will be designed to enhance your oral health and rejuvenate your smile. 
  • If there are any pretreatments (extraction, bone grafting, or sinus lifts) required, this is completed before you receive the dentures to ensure the best success rate for your restoration. 
  • The implant will be placed wherein the titanium posts will fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong base and support for your dentures. 
  • Once you recover, your dentist will record impressions of your mouth to fabricate your new denture. 
  • Finally, your custom denture will be attached to your implants. 

Bottom line 

Implant-supported dentures are good alternatives to traditional dentures since they provide excellent stability and reliability. Consult your dentist if you are looking forward to replacing your missing teeth, and enhancing your smile and overall appearance to boost your confidence.